Since 1996 TRINE has organized and led many artistic workshops for children, youngsters and adults on urban art and stylewriting.

Photo (c) Schirn [museum] Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Photo (c) Schirn [museum] Kunsthalle Frankfurt

Workshop called "Graffiti Akademie" led together with other artists, organized by the Schirn Kunsthalle 15.-18.04.2013


With spraycans, markers, duct tape or paint roller the participants of the  'Graffiti Akademie' can develop their individual pieces in and on an abandoned office building on the Bockenheimer Landstraße and can express their own personality with the diverse techniques of street-art.

14 different renown artists of the scene from different parts of germany will support the academy and introduce  their styles towards the attendees:

CODEAK from Augsburg
WOW123 from Bremen
CEMNOZ from Berlin
RUSL from Konstanz
RESO from Saarbrücken
DINGO from Stuttgart 
SATONE from München 
DOME from Karlsruhe 
ZOOLO from Freiburg 
DARCO from Paris 
TRINE from Frankfurt
BOMBER from Hofheim
ATEM from Frankfurt
MEXIKO QL from Griesheim




official Schirn-blog about the project (german language):


official video of the KFW foundation about the project (german language):