2018 Move to Berlin
2018 Group-Show: 'The golden 20ies' in the Saloon 'Katharina's Art' in Fechenheim/Germany
2012 Degree M.A.of Art Education
at the Goethe-University Franfurt/M;
Degree Exhibition "Sign my name across my art"
Supervisors: Prof. Jochen Fischer; Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Ammann
1998 Move to Frankfurt/M
since 1996 work as a freelancer: Commercial murals, Logo-design for different companies, Institutions und privat customers, like:
2008 International KITA [Kindergarten] Galluspark, Frankfurt/M; 1999 City Beat Records, Alt-Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt/M; 1999 Segensgemeinde Griesheim, Frankfurt/M; 1999
Alte Apotheke Griesheim, Frankfurt/M; 1997 Jump’N’Jibe: Surf- und Skateshop, Bremen; 1996 TELEX: Youthcenter in Tuzla, Bosnia y Hercegovina.
since 1996 organizing and leading of several workshops about style writing and aerosol art
1994 first Pieces on Walls in Bremen
1991 building up an interest in „Style Writing“ from New York, inspiriered by the movie „Beat Street“. First sketches of letters and characters.